About the blog

They call us adrenaline junkies, and frankly, they’re right. We put ourselves in immense danger, spend an unaffordable amount of money, get seriously injured and then do it all over again. And we love it. Most people don’t understand why we do the things we do, and that is why we need to stick together. No matter if you ride snowboards or skis, longboards or skateboards, wakeboards or surfboards, we are all out for the same thing: Adrenaline.

Most of us can trace our adrenaline chasing antics as far back as we can remember. I personally was cruising on skis at 3 years old, snowboarding 40 ft. kickers by 8, and water skiing daily by 10. I am now 21 and can add wakeboarding, rock climbing, white-water rafting, longboarding, skateboarding, and mountain biking to that list. Although we are all after the same thing, each sport requires very different equipment and who has the time to research equipment when they could be riding it?

So, as a favor to all my extreme sports brothers and sisters, I will be reviewing equipment as frequently as I can. I also will include commentary from other riders in order to give you as much perspective and insight as possible in only so many words. And, just for fun, I will be throwing in some sick videos and insights into the extreme sports world! So, bookmark my page and stay in touch with the adrenaline chasing community!

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